Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Get Asian Msn Addys My Dad Won't Let Me Go On Msn?

My dad won't let me go on msn? - get asian msn addys

I do not know why, but he was very angry.
Does it have something to do with my basic MED.
I am an Asian
and even asked me, show me the mens and asked me who I was mailing.
I am angry and upset tot
Why annoy and 2 WOT


Maxi said...

Asian parents are protecting their children.

I am white British and I have many friends in Asia and their parents are exactly the same expected total obedience from his children, so I think it's something of the culture, and perhaps also the fear that you speak, you can not be approved.

I am not saying that to obey him, but we were unable to MSN in school and, instead, to introduce friends to speak of him?

gerinther & links said...

Probably ... My father hates me on MSN ... I mean, should not be a problem when talking to girls, but that's just how I started, and then I then chatted Boys Boys in 1000 only accumulates.
And MSN is totally a waste of time, trust me. I'm just like you. But there was a time where I'm soooo sooo insanely addictive, if I had not yet arrived.
It does not matter, because on the back of some people from the party begins on MSN.

x-TaMiE-... said...

and Asians have something in common are they?
see who or mailing UR UR chat coz it may fear or no contact with a child a little, etc ... could lie on the idea of some kind of relationship ur kinda ............ I know ur mad, and I want to know why they do that, but after all, wants the best for you ......... .
Many people enter into relationships with the things online, as a couple, possibly with unknown
If you do not feel ur life, ur contact listif show him what he wants ...
I hope that helped: D and good luck

Grace said...

ask your father why he and why you can not go, then let him calm down and explain that you not only wrong, but we only talk to your friends

BADD GIRLz RuLE said...

Yeh most likely. But tell him that U is not a cat, etc. 2 boys who is interested only 4u.

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